(Click on the image to see a larger version)
Well, if it didn't make any sense before, once I threw some colors into it, all bets were off. Although this was posted to Bookface on July 1, I had been working on it during the 2010 World Cup. You know, the one from South Africa with the vevuzulas. This one happened to coincide with that World Cup and it became the unofficial "Tim & Jeremy's World Cup Tribute Drawing." Maybe that was too bad, but maybe it was the right thing for the time. At this point in time, the Cup was not finished yet and there had yet to be a winner. I think that most of the teams were out and we were in the semis or something, but there was no winner. You can see though that there are a bunch of teams who were in the semis and there is even the winner! But first, lets talk about the losers, or Loupsers as we call them here on this blog (remember, they are pronounced the same way since the P is silent!). First of all, there is Ghana. Ghana was reviled by most of the U.S. because it beat them to knock out the States. Too bad, America! Play better next time. I thought it was fitting to include them, so the little purple priest represents Ghana. He is thinking in his thought bubble about the host nation, South Africa. They didn't fare so well either in the Cup, but they did beat Mexico to start everything off and they also had my favorite name of the tournament, Siphiwe Tshabala. He is the guy in the thought bubble. Great name. The Jewish fellow on the left I made into Holland. The Dutch played very well in the World Cup and almost won, except they forgot to play in the final game against Spain. And then they played like a bunch of thugs anyway, so I really was rooting against them. I used to really like the Dutch team, but these days I'm no longer a fan. Van Percy and Robin seem like completely unlikable characters to me so it makes it hard for me to root for them. Maybe that's why this guys face is green; the Dutchmen's final game probably would've made me sick too if I were a fan. Next up is Brazil. They were one of the favorites and they played very well, until Robin and the Hollanders smoked them in the semis. I thought the Brazilians played a good Tournament and they also had a great name on their team. A guy with the name of Kaka. It doesn't sound like the child's version of shit, but it sure looks like it. I thought that was unfortunate for him, but amusing for the world as a whole. I think I actually started with this guy and worked left, so he was the one who started the whole World Cup motif. The Brazilian uniform is really striking and I thought it fit well into the drawing. The rest of it may have been overkill, but that's what I was feeling at the time, so you'll have to excuse me. Last, but certainly not least is Spain. They were the 2010 World Cup champions and they deserved it. They played great, they looked great, and by golly, they seemed like a nice group of guys. However, in this drawing, to celebrate their victory, they had to give birth to a moving van full of robots. Maybe that's what winning the World Cup actually feels like. You have to play so hard for a month straight and then when you finally win, it must be exhausting! I'm sure it's not as bad as giving birth to a van through your rectum, but metaphorically, maybe it is. I really actually like the Spanish team. It's kind of strange that I put them in here as that guy. I think I ran out of teams, and I wanted them to be represented because this drawing has a lot of the final teams represented in it. Maybe I was rooting for the Brazilians or the Ghanians at that point. I don't know. It's just what came out, so to speak! On a side note, some friends and I went up to Bethel, New York to watch a concert and have a lost weekend. The World Cup was constantly on while we were there and I will always associate that trip with it, so I also included one of the pictures from that weekend in this drawing. We were staying on White Lake up in Bethel, and if you're ever in the area, I recommend stopping by for a swim. It's quite lovely. Here is that picture:
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