(Click on the image to see a larger version)
I think that the color on this one really creates the story of what may or may not be happening in this little world. Before the color, everything sort of floated around near each other with no real connection. Now, I feel like it is all connected, not unlike the telephone system. "We're all connected, like New York telephone." I remember that commercial. Good stuff. Seriously though, the kid on the phone is obviously the central character here, and everything revolves around him. He is making a phone call from a strange land with the sphinx. I think that everything to the right of this kid is all the conversation that he is having but in visual form. I think that even the butt that the phone is embedded in is some sort of vision that this kid is having while on the party line. I could be wrong, it could actually be a picture of the Albany bus station, which I recall looking very similar. No matter the story, I was very happy with the outcome of this one. It really could've gone either way since it started out so crazy. Aliens. I love drawing them, but sometimes they come out a little weird and maybe not like a living thing at all. That's how I felt about the alien on the far right. That thing almost looks like a planet gone wrong, but then finally it has teeth and is eating a worm, so we know it is alive. The thing with the eyes is confusing, but somehow works with all the alienness around it. But who cares about that! What about a cool story to contextualize this picture within the framework of life at the Cafe Loup? Well, I am at a loss because I am writing this blog about a year removed from this drawing and to tell you the truth, I can't remember much about this drawing, and the circumstances that surrounded the creation of it. I will tell you this though, a lot can change in a year; except at the Cafe Loup. It stays the same no matter what. Same food, same diners, same waitstaff, same bartenders, same old problems. In a lot of ways, this is the way that people want to live their lives. They get into a happy spot and hope that it will never change. The only problem with that is that you actually change all the time, even if the surroundings stay exactly the same; getting grumpier, getting older, getting sicker, getting happier. Maybe this is the reason people always come back to the Loup. They know that it is the same as it has ever been and they want to see how much they have changed by going to a place that they know will be exactly the same as when they left it. Like when you go to the place where you grew up and you notice all the trees are bigger and the places you used to play are so small. It makes you feel that real progress has been made in your life, even though it could only be in physical growth. For people like Tim and I , we are always at the Cafe Loup, so we don't notice the trees growing or the hiding places shrinking because we are too close to the action the see the progress. Obviously there has been a lot of change in the past year of the Loup, it just doesn't feel like it to us, and that is not such a bad thing, really. It's nice to have constants in these volatile times. Stop by the Loup sometime and get that duck dish you loved so much back in 1995. It's still there, and it's still delicious.
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